If you want to redecorate your kitchen, maybe you can take inspiration from some of your favorite restaurants. Restaurants usually have good ideas how to decorate kitchen or dining room. For the floor, you may try to decorate it with flunky floor.
You have to choose a contemporary restaurant for the best idea for the flooring. Usually a contemporary restaurant has mix and matching style for the floor. Take a look a professional kitchen set in your favorite restaurants. Usually they know how to put your cooking utensils so you can make your own kitchen as your creative work space. You may do not want to put your utensils in your drawer. You should hang your utensils from a pole so you can reach them easily.
Breakfast bar maybe can be a good idea for your dining room if you want to have an informal eating place. Imagine about how amazing it is to spend the time there. Maybe a moveable breakfast bar can be your choice because it is flexible in your space usually if you live in an apartment. If you do not want to have breakfast bar, maybe you can try bistro look as your unique dining room.
Images Credit: homedit
Some Ideas from Your Favorite Restaurant for Your Kitchen and Dining Room Pictures
Bistro Look
Breakfast Bar
Funky Floor
Kitchen Set
Pro Kitchen Utensils
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