Before the renovation it was a open space with a one multi-purpose room. This apartment has only 40 square meters of living space but it’s still very comfy and cozy. That room wasn’t zoned well but owners and a designer have managed to changed that. Now we can learn from their work.The best way of zoning is color. It’s really cool when one color can be found in different parts of the room but in various proportions. At this apartment the brightest part is the dining area. Its walls are colored in purple. As you can see the carpet in a kitchen, some upholstery and some small details in a bedroom and a bathroom share this color. The kitchen is separated from the dining room with a sliding partition that doesn’t occupy any space but makes the excellent zoning job. The similar partition separates the bedroom with the living room. Cabinets in the living room have a large glazing area and looks almost weightless. That makes the whole structure looks like simple shelves but there isn’t any dust on books and other side inside.
Apartment Comfy-How To Design 40 Square Meter Pictures
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square meter apartment comfy-Chair
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square meter apartment comfy-bathroom
square meter apartment comfy-bedroom
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