Here is a loft of 100 square meters in Sao Paulo, Brazil, which was designed by Diego Revollo creating harmony between comfort and modernity.
“The choice of a coating for walls and ceiling of the apartment provided greater consistency in the region, creating a single box. In order to achieve a balance between the characteristics of industrial and rustic warmth and comfort , burned cement coating was chosen as the primary. A special resin is used in the effort to get more impermeability of the wet surface.
On the ground floor, living room and kitchen also unified sheds once or division, dining table is presented as a pine in a cooking workshop setted by the addition of modern materials. On the mezzanine, the elimination of any division between the bathrooms and locker rooms and the solution was chosen to provide breadth of the region. The header designed by the coffee table, two bedside tables suspended on both sides, to emphasize the horizontal and helps provide a much more broad. The composition of the board flexible components blackened Sucupira suspended in the bathroom that takes place in a normal picture and mirror on the ceiling setted with the faces of both sides have contributed to the goal.
This modern, this project goes beyond its structure, is also present on the decorative elements. Every detail has been specially designed to accentuate the features of this type of apartment to deliver to stores in New York.
100 square meter loft in Sao Paulo Pictures
Stairs Square Meter Loft in Sao Paulo
Flooring Square Meter Loft in Sao Paulo
Kitchen Square Meter Loft in Sao Paulo
Square Meter Loft in Sao Paulo
Gallery of 100 square meter loft in Sao Paulo
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